May 5, 2024

El compañero perdido del hombre: el extinto Fox

Was an extinct fox once man's best friend? ...

Was an extinct fox once man’s best friend?

Was an extinct fox once man’s best friend?

Recent archaeological evidence suggests that a now-extinct species of fox, known as the Domesticated Silver Fox, may have been closely associated with humans in ancient times. This species is believed to have been domesticated by early human civilizations for its fur and meat, but also for its companionship.

Studies have shown that these domesticated foxes exhibited behaviors similar to those of dogs, such as wagging their tails, following humans around, and even showing affection towards their human companions. This has led some researchers to speculate that these foxes may have served as early forms of pets or hunting companions for humans.

While more research is needed to conclusively determine the exact relationship between humans and the Domesticated Silver Fox, it is clear that these animals played a significant role in our shared history. The idea of an extinct fox species being man’s best friend may seem far-fetched, but the evidence suggests that it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility.