May 4, 2024

Junior Doctor Sueldos: Los números reales

How much do junior doctors really get paid?

Junior doctors are typically paid based on a salary scale that takes into account their level of experience and the hours they work. The pay...

How much do junior doctors really get paid?

Junior doctors are typically paid based on a salary scale that takes into account their level of experience and the hours they work. The pay for junior doctors varies depending on the country and healthcare system they work in.

In the UK, for example, junior doctors start on a basic salary of around £27,000 per year and this can increase with experience and additional responsibilities. In the US, junior doctors can earn anywhere from $50,000 to $80,000 per year, depending on their specialty and location.

It’s important to note that junior doctors often work long hours and are required to be on call, which can result in additional pay through overtime or on-call allowances.

Overall, junior doctors are typically well compensated for their work, but many argue that their pay does not always reflect the challenging and demanding nature of their profession.